Privacy policy


Company details:

Horse Health Academy B.V. - Equine vet Iris van Gulik
Eekwielensweg 7
7448 PT Haarle
The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce no: 92037259


Horse Health Academy B.V. is responsible for the processing of your (personal) data as shown in the privacy & cookie statement. Horse Health Academy B.V. is established in Haarle (Eekwielensweg 7, 7448 PT), The Netherlands, Chamber of Commerce no. 92037259.



If you have any questions about this Statement, please feel free to reach out via email Horse Health Academy B.V. will respond to your email as soon as possible, but in no event later than 21 working days.


This statement

This Statement describes which (personal) data is collected from you on i.e., the website, for what goal your (personal) data is used and under what conditions these (personal) data may possibly be shared with third parties.


In this Statement will also be explained how your (personal) data is stored, how your (personal) data is protected against misuse, what kind of rights you have with regard to the (personal) data you provide to us and how you can file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).


Personal data

Horse Health Academy B.V. takes great care with the (personal) data we receive from you and with what we collect or have collected for the use of our services. Horse Health Academy B.V. will never make your (personal) data available to third parties for commercial purposes. And if this would be the case, we will always ask for your explicit permission.


You are never obliged to provide Horse Health Academy B.V. with your (personal) data. Horse Health Academy B.V. will do everything we can to limit the processing of (personal) data as much as possible. However, if this cannot (reasonably) be expected of Horse Health Academy B.V., your refusal to provide (personal) data may result that our legal relationship cannot continue or be established.


Horse Health Academy B.V. only processes your (personal) data because you are a customer, you use our services and/or because you (have) provided this (personal) data to us. Horse Health Academy B.V. does not process personal data like i.e., gender, race or religion. This overview below, shows the (personal) data that we do process (in some cases):


  • First and last name (i.e., on quote or invoice or when you create an account on the website);
  • Address details (e., to perform our agreement, on invoice);
  • Phone number (you are not obliged to provide);
  • E-mail (i.e., to receive the newsletter, to receive one of the e-books or checklists, for the execution of our agreement);
  • Financial data (for administration);
  • Website;
  • Login data;
  • Social media account name;
  • Photo (i.e., to post on our social media account);
  • Information provided by you (i.e., by filling in the contact form on website, in correspondence and/or by phone).



The way Horse Health Academy B.V. collects (personal) data

Horse Health Academy B.V. collects your (personal) data if it is provided by you, for example by filling in the contact form on the website, If you by any of our products, if you are a client in any way, if you subscribed to join the academy or if you contact us in any other way.


Horse Health Academy B.V. processes your (personal) data because you gave permission to do so. If Horse Health Academy B.V. processes (personal) data based on your permission, you can always withdraw that permission if you reach out via email.


Horse Health Academy B.V. processes (personal) data because it is necessary or because you have concluded an agreement with us or because we have a legal obligation to do so. Because in some cases, Horse Health Academy B.V. may be required by law to share your data in connection with government, - tax, - or criminal investigations. In such case, Horse Health Academy B.V. is forced to share your (personal)data. Please note that Horse Health Academy B.V. will always oppose this within the possibilities the law offers me.



Not personal data

Some data is automatically collected by the website (i.e., IP address, web browser and operating system) and is only processed for the purpose of further improving my services. Such data are usually not personal data, although they sometimes can be considered as such.


Please note that data of your horse is not personal data, although Horse Health Academy B.V. will treat it as such.


Horse Health Academy B.V. processes your personal data for (one of) the following purposes:


  • To be able to handle your payment;
  • To be able to send you the newsletter or one of the e-books or checklists;
  • To be able to contact you if this is necessary for us to perform our services;
  • To create an account for you;
  • When you respond to one of the blogs;
  • To inform you about changes to our services;
  • To be able to grant you access to your account on the website and the associated services;


Horse Health Academy B.V. processes your (personal) data when you post a comment on one of our social media accounts or in the community.


Horse Health Academy B.V. likes to post a nice review on the website or our social media account. Before Horse Health Academy B.V. does that, Horse Health Academy B.V. will always ask for your permission. For this Horse Health Academy B.V. processes your name and assessment. You can also place it yourself with your Gmail account in our Google Business account. This review will be on indefinitely, until you indicate that you want to remove the review.


Direct marketing (newsletter, giveaway or webinar)

Horse Health Academy B.V. will send you a newsletter and you will be on my mailing list if you have registered to i.e., receive one (so you have given your explicit permission to receive the newsletter and/or e-book). Horse Health Academy B.V. will process your name and email address to send you the newsletter. Every email contains an unsubscribe link. The newsletter is sent by Mailblue/Active campaign.


Or it happens when you attend a webinar or when you download the giveaway from Horse Health Academy B.V.'s website. For this Horse Health Academy B.V. asks for your email address so that Horse Health Academy B.V. can send the giveaway. If you want to register for the newsletter, you can do so, but then you give Horse Health Academy B.V. explicit permission for this via an application form.


When you register for a webinar, Horse Health Academy B.V. needs your email address to send you the link of the webinar. As a result of the giver or the webinar, Horse Health Academy B.V. can send you emails about the services. You can always unsubscribe or object to this.


Academy & Facebook Group

In order to allow you to participate in the academy, Horse Health Academy B.V. needs your email address and name. This way Horse Health Academy B.V. can provide you with an account. In addition, Horse Health Academy B.V. will keep you informed of the lessons Horse Health Academy B.V. offer via e-mails.


You need an account for the academy. Name and e-mail address are stored in it. A password is automatically generated for you so that you can log in securely. You can change this password once you have logged in. Your account also includes a log in which Horse Health Academy B.V. can see how often you log in and from which IP address. Horse Health Academy B.V. will not do anything with this information until you contact Horse Health Academy B.V. to report misuse of your account.

How long does Horse Health Academy B.V. keep your (personal) data?

Your (personal) data will only be used for the purposes as described in this Statement. As soon as that (personal) data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it is prohibited by law to keep it any longer. So, Horse Health Academy B.V. does not store your (personal)data any longer than strictly necessary, or after a possible limitation period if required by law.




Data Term Reason
First- last name 7 years because of tax legislation To be able to find your data or to fulfil administrative obligations, to perform our services
Address 7 years because of tax legislation To be able to find your data or to fulfil administrative obligations, to perform our services
Phone number 12 months after you were no longer a customer or as long as the agreement is active To be able to find your data or to contact you



Financial data 7 years because of tax legislation To be able to find your data, to perform our services, or to fulfill administrative obligations
E-mailadres As long as your subscription is active, 12 months (on the mail server) or maximum of 7 years because of tax legislation To be able to find your data or to contact you, to perform our services
E-mails As long as the agreement is active, 12 months (on the mail server) or maximum of 7 years because of tax legislation To be able to find your data or to fulfill administrative obligations
Other data provided by you 12 months after you were no longer a customer or as long as the agreement is active To be able to find your data
Social media account name / reaction on social media / blog Indefinite time, unless you delete the data yourself If you respond, the comment will remain as long as the message is online. This is indefinite, unless you decide that your comment should be deleted. When deleting a comment, all personal data will be deleted. Nothing will be done with the responses received. I see reactions as enthusiastic involvement


Sharing your (personal) data with third parties

Horse Health Academy B.V. does not sell your data to third parties. Horse Health Academy B.V. will only provide your (personal) data if this is necessary for the execution of our agreement or to comply with a legal obligation (i.e., tax authorities).


Horse Health Academy B.V. concludes a processing agreement with companies that process your data on my behalf to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your (personal) data. However, Horse Health Academy B.V. always remain responsible for the processing carried out by them.


Horse Health Academy B.V. will not transfer your data to countries outside the EU. However, if this is necessary, Horse Health Academy B.V. will only transfer data to countries that guarantee an adequate level of protection (EU-US Privacy Shield).


Payment provider

Payments are made through payment provider Mollie. Mollie's services are hosted on Dutch servers. They collect name, email address and bank and account number.


Social media

Horse Health Academy B.V.'s website contains a social media button from Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn and possible other links to third-party websites. The privacy policy of the specific platform applies to that link and not to this Statement. Meaning Horse Health Academy B.V. cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your data in a secure manner. Please feel free to read how the before mentioned accounts deals with your privacy: InstagramFacebookLinkedIn.





When you have registered for a newsletter, your name and email address will be shared with Mailblue/active Campaign. More information about personal data handling of ActiveCampaign/Mailblue can be found in their privacy policy


View, adjust, delete or transfer (Personal) data

With regard to your (personal) data, you always have the right to view, to correct or to delete your (personal) data. In addition, you may withdraw any previously given consent for the processing of your (personal) data by Horse Health Academy B.V. and you may object to the processing of your (personal) data by Horse Health Academy B.V.


You also have the right to data portability. Meaning that you can submit a request to Horse Health Academy B.V. via email to send your (personal) data in a computer file to you or another organization designated by you. Horse Health Academy B.V. will respond to your request as soon as possible and in no event later than 21 working days.


How Horse Health Academy B.V. protects your (personal) data

Horse Health Academy B.V. has taken appropriate measures to prevent your (personal) data from being misused, lost, accessible to an unauthorized person, from being made public without permission and of course to prevent unauthorized changes to your (personal) data.


If you feel that your (personal) data is not properly secured by Horse Health Academy B.V. or if you notice indications of misuse of your (personal) data, please let us know as soon as possible. We will investigate your message and will respond to it as soon as possible, in no event later than 21 working days.


Do you have a complaint?

If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data by us, you always have the right to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). You can submit a complaint by filling in the form on their website.



Horse Health Academy B.V. also think it is important that you know we use cookies on our website and that you know for what purposes those cookies are used.


What is a cookie

Cookies are small text files, placed on the hard drive or in the memory of your (i.e.) phone, computer, laptop, tablet or any other device with which you view the website during your visit.


Placing a cookie is safe

Placing and using cookies is safe. No personal data can be traced. Please note that your phone number and/or your e-mail address will always remain unknown to me. Your privacy and the user-friendliness of our website are monitored by me. Horse Health Academy B.V. ensures this is guaranteed.


Cookies do not contain viruses and they cannot damage the device you visit our website with. When you come back to the website at a later time, your information (stored in the cookies) is recognized: cookies only register that you view the website again. So, cookies are placed to increase your ease of use for the website and in connection with a commercial interest. By placing cookies, I can make the structure, navigation on the website and the content of the website as user-friendly as possible.


Horse Health Academy B.V. uses functional, analytical & social media related cookies.


  • Functional cookies are used to make the website function as well as possible. Functional cookies are necessary for the functioning of the website. The cookies are used to store settings for an optimal display, read out your browser settings in order to optimally display the website on your screen, load the website evenly, so that the site remains easily accessible.
  • Analytical cookies are used to map 'your behavior' on this website. To find out which pages on the website are viewed, Horse Health Academy B.V. uses Google Analytics. Google places cookies on your device. This makes your surfing behavior on the site transparent. The information that Google receives from the cookie is analyzed. This information is anonymized as much as possible. Google will only share the information obtained with third parties if they are legally obliged to do so or insofar as third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google has not received permission from Horse Health Academy B.V. to use information for other Google services.

Please note: Google is an American company and stores the information it collects in American servers. For more information about the Google Analytics policy, see the beforementioned Google website.

JavaScript ensures that page views can be counted. Statistics are made of the information collected on the website. These statistics are used for various purposes such as assessing which pages of this website may need to be adjusted, optimizing this website and my service.

  • Social media related cookies such as those from Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. They also place cookies on your device via these buttons.



When you have registered for the newsletter, Horse Health Academy B.V. would like to let you know that cookies are also used for this. More information about ActiveCampaign/Mailblue cookies can be found in their privacy policy.



Because cookies act as a label with which your computer can be identified, the webshop uses cookies to add products to your shopping cart, to create a profile, to log in and out and to process an order.



Because cookies act as a label with which your computer can be identified, Horse Health Academy B.V.'s academy also uses cookies to create a profile, to log in and out and to save your progress.


Unnecessary cookies

Cookies that are not necessary are only placed after you have given permission for this by clicking 'agree' in the cookie bar. If you do not want the website to place cookies on your device, you can adjust your browser settings. In that case you receive a warning before cookies are placed and if possible, you can always automatically refuse cookies.


Unforeseen cookies

It is possible that cookies are placed via my websites by others, of which Horse Health Academy B.V. is not always aware. Do you come across cookies that you cannot find in our overview? Let me know via email or contact the third party directly. Then ask which cookies they placed, what the reason is, what the lifespan of the cookie is and how they have guaranteed your privacy.


Refusing cookies

Please be aware that if you do not accept cookies, it cannot be guaranteed that the website will work properly. Functions on the website may not work properly or you will see errors on the website. How you can adjust your settings or delete cookies differs per browser. Please feel free to find out how this works in your browser:



Opt out

Permission is requested on the website (where necessary) about the use of the above cookies. If you do not want your data to be tracked, Horse Health Academy B.V. gives you the advise not to give permission (opt-out) or to install privacy-enhancing browser plug-ins.


Validity of this Statement

This Statement applies to Horse Health Academy B.V.'s website and our associated services. Please note that Horse Health Academy B.V. will always have the right to change this Statement. Publication of a new version makes all previous versions invalid. Horse Health Academy B.V. will inform you by email if a new Statement has consequences for the processing of the already collected (personal) data relating to you.